Advisory Board Bios

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Brian Ray

Brian RayCo-Founder & Managing Partner
Alchemy-ABR Investment Partners

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Brian Ray is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Alchemy-ABR Investment Partners, a New York based commercial real estate owner, operator, and development company with assets in New York City, South Florida and other strategic markets, Brian is responsible for overseeing the company’s day-to-day acquisition, development and operating activities.

Brian is an alumnus of George Washington University and holds a Master of Science degree in Real Estate Finance and Development from NYU where he was a recipient of NYU’s 2002 Lambda Alpha International Service Award for his contributions to the community, university, and program. He currently serves on the Advisory Boards for FIDF and both the GW Center for Real Estate and Urban Analysis and the NYU Schack Real Estate Institute, where he was an Adjunct Professor of finance and development. He lives in Manhattan with his wife Allison, their daughter Sammie, and son Max.



Member Since 2025
